Early dismissal at SKCS this week and next is noon!!
Senior Spotlights!
Annual Senior vs Staff kickball game
Senior Spotlights
Stamford Flag Day Parade tomorrow 6pm
Band Students, Color guard and Front guard
Please be at SK at 4:30pm Bus will leave at 5pm
All should return to school for instrument and uniform return.
Senior PrankS!
1. Tailgate breakfast in staff parking.
2. Stairwell filled with balloons.
3. Goat in the court yard.
4. Principal’s office Saran wrapped!
Senior Spotlights!
Thank you to the Hobart Rotary for the wonderful barbecue in honor of the Class of 2024. Great young men and women who appreciated the hospitality!
And just like that, they were little kids again!
Decisions, decisions!!!
Senior Spotlights!
Senior Spotlights!
Last day of classes for grades 7-12 is this Thursday 6/13.
Last day of CROP is this Friday 6/14.
Students taking regents!!!
If you need transportation for regents exams you MUST sign up in the main office.
Making learning fun! SK 5th graders released their trout in the Delaware River behind the school last week!
Camp opportunity
Dollars for Scholars
Field Days
Making learning fun!!
Miss Primeau’s 2nd grade class is wrapping up their last math chapter on geometric shapes with some hands on building! They learned about 2D and 3D shapes.
Great day for SK Middle School Band! They performed at the Trills and Thrills Festival at Queensbury HS receiving a superior rating! Congratulations!!
Then a stop at Great Escape. Fun day!